Summer Health – Zen


One way to think of Zen is this: a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind. It also is a state of mind.

Benefits of Zen :

  • Reduces Anxiety / Verminder Angs
  • Reduces Stress / Verminder Stres
  • Better mental focus / Beter Geestelike Fokus
  • Improves Concentration / Verbeter Konsentrasie
  • Relieves symptoms of ADHD and ADD / Dit verlig simptome van ADHD en ADD
  • Improved sleep / Verbeterde slaap
  • Improve Cognitive performance / Kognitiewe prestasie te verbeter

L-Theanine – Is FDA Approved as GRAS “generally recognized as safe.” This classification means this additive is safe when people use it as the packaging suggests. One of the appealing aspects of Zen is that it works to relax without sedating. Anxiety and Stress can severely impact your quality of life young and old. See Dosages and Clincal Trials on L- Theanine below

Zen is what’s known as an anxiolytic – it works to reduce anxiety. Some anxiolytics have sedative effects. Zen on the other hand, promotes relaxation and stress reduction without sedating. Zen can help foster a state of calm, attentive wakefulness.

Under stress, the body increases production of certain hormones, including cortisol and corticosterone. These hormone changes inhibit some brain activity, including memory formation and spatial learning. Zen helps to lower levels of the stress hormone corticosterone, and avoid the interference with memory and learning.

Zen elevates levels of GABA, as well as serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals are known as neurotransmitters, and they work in the brain to regulate emotions, mood, concentration, alertness, and sleep, as well as appetite, energy, and other cognitive skills. Increasing levels of these calming brain chemicals promotes relaxation and can help with sleep.

With its ability to increase relaxation and lower stress, Zen can help in sleep in a number of ways. Zen may help people fall asleep more quickly and easily at bedtime, thanks to the relaxation boost it delivers. Zen can improve the quality of sleep—not by acting as a sedative, but by lowering anxiety and promoting relaxation. No Sedative Side Effects. Even though Zen can increase focus and attention, you may be shy to use it because you’re worried its bedtime benefits will kick in during the day. Luckily, Zen is not associated with sedative side effects, despite the stress reduction. Zen can generate alpha brain waves associated with relaxation, but these waves will not induce drowsiness


At the same time it is increasing chemicals that promote feelings of calm, Zen also reduces levels of chemicals in the brain that are linked to stress and anxiety. This may also be a way that Zen can protect brain cells against stress and age-related damage.


Alpha brain waves are associated with a state of “wakeful relaxation.” That’s the state of mind you experience when meditating, being creative, or letting your mind wander in daydreaming. Alpha waves are also present during REM sleep. Zen appears to trigger the release of alpha-waves, which enhances relaxation, focus, and creativity. One of the appealing aspects of Zen is that it works to relax without sedating, that can make Zen a good choice for people who are looking to enhance their “wakeful relaxation,” without worrying about becoming sleepy and fatigued during the day.

Zen can increase attention span and reaction time in people who are prone to anxiety. It may help improve accuracy – number of errors made in a test of attention.


There’s evidence that L-theanine may help improve sleep quality in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A study examined the effects on the sleep of boys ages 8-12, and found that the supplement worked safely and effectively to improve the quality of their sleep, helping them to sleep more soundly.Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder that typically begins in childhood and is characterized by a short attention span (inattention), an inability to be calm and stay still (hyperactivity), and poor impulse control (impulsivity).


The anti-anxiety and sleep-promoting abilities of Zen may help people to maintain a healthy weight. After all, getting enough sleep and limiting stress are both key to sticking with a healthy diet and avoiding weight gain. Zen may also play a more direct role in weight maintenance. There’s scientific evidence to limit fat accumulation and weight gain, and help to protect against obesity.